jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

ارشادات طبيب الاسرة. الطفح الجلدي

ما هو الطفح الجلدي؟
هو ظهور اثار و خزات و تولد حكا كثيرا، تدوم هذه الاثار قليلا من الوقت في نفس المكان لتتنقل بعد ذلك و تظهر في اماكن اخرى
تتصاحب هذه الحالة التهاب في اليدين، المرفقين، الوجه، و في حالات نادرة صعوبة في التنفس آو الابتلاع

ما ذا يجت عمله في المنزل؟
ـ راقبوا آي صعوبة في التنفس او البلع
ـ اجتنبوا حك جلد الصغير
ـ لا تعطي له مراهم و لا طلك بدون اذن الطبيب
ـ الطفل المصاب بالطفح الجلدي يمكنه الاكل عاديا  ووجبته العادية

متى يجب الذهاب الى مصلحة الاستعجالات؟

ـ اذا كان الطفل يتنفس بصعوبة، آو له تسخير و يسيل لعابه بكثرة
ـ اذا كانت حالته غير طبيعية او ظهر عليه نفخ بالوجه
ـ اذا ظهر الطفح بعد لسعة او اكل مادة غذائية التي قد تسبب له في الماضي حساسية كرد فعل

هام جدا

ـ في الطفولة عادة ما يظهر الطفح الجلدي بعد اصابة آو عدوى، اما الحساسية فهي سبب نادرا
ـ مناطق الاثار و الواخزات الجلدية تدوم من 7 الى 8 ايام عادة و لكن يمكن آن تبقى حتى عدة اسابيع
ـ في اغلب الحاللات لا يستلزم القيام بفحوصات معمقة



lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Camel milk and health. حليب الابل و الصحة

My father always said that camel milk is the best in the world and has even been argued that camel fat has no cholesterol. Obviously they are statements based on his empirical knowledge and nothing else. Knowing that they are unscientific claims, I had ever ignored them. However, with these findings about this issue I'm very surprised In the network are circulating many articles (see for example  BBC ) and studies  like this FAO's (The technology of making cheese from camel milk)
For health FAO said"camel milk is slightly saltier than cows’ milk, three times as rich in Vitamin C and is known to be rich in iron, unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins. It is a natural and essential food item in areas where there is a scarcity of water and forage. High levels of wastage are often reported as herds are usually far from ready urban markets, particularly during the highest production season. In Russia, Kazakhstan and India, doctors often prescribe it to convalescing patients while, in Africa, it may be recommended for people living with AIDS. Research is also ongoing into the role claimed for camel milk in reducing diabetes and coronary heart disease".
I Hope, that these initiatives can help especially in the Arab world to alleviate the effects of the epidemic of diabetes and its complications. So, let´s drink camel milk.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hope for vitiligo patients. Dr Azmi Mohammad Mustafa MD. امل للمرضى المصابين بالبهاق

This post is dedicated to the patients  who suffer from vitiligo.
 Vitiligo is a condition where white patches develop on your skin. It is due to loss of pigment from areas of your skin. There are usually no other symptoms.  
Treatment has improved in recent years and in some cases the pigment can be restored.
We would like to share with you this interview with
 Doctor Azmi Mohammad Mustafa, who is pioneer in the treatment of vitiligo.The most prestigious researchers in the world are interested in the results obtained by him, using polypodium leucotomos extract.

This interview was published by Dermatology journal.
1- What is vitiligo? What does the illness consist of?
It is an acquired dermatological complaint, consisting in the partial or total loss of melanocytes, the cells responsible for the pigmentation of the skin and other body organs and tissues. Therefore, clinically it appears as a circumscribed loss of colour, in the form of milky-white patches, which may appear in one or several areas of the skin. It is a non-infectious process, with no pain or itching and, in most cases, the other vital functions remain unaffected.
2- What disorders or pathologies appear in vitiligo patients? Are there different forms of marks?
In 15-20% of cases, this type of leucoderma appears together with other disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, pernicious anaemia, alopecia areata, thyroid problems (hyper- and hypothyroidism), psoriasis, etc. Moreover, recent studies carried out on human melanocyte cultures appear to indicate that it affects the pigmentary system in general, not just the skin, affecting even cellular elements of the nervous system that contain melanin.
The maculas come in extremely variable shapes and sizes, from several millimetres to several centimetres. Sometimes they change size irregularly and join with bordering lesions, forming more complex patterns. Their shape is generally round or oval. The margins are clearly visible and are often hyper-pigmented.
Since when has this disease been known and how is it known in other cultures?
In ancient times, this disorder was known by many different names: SHWETAKUSHTA in the ATHARVA VEDA, the sacred book of India (1400 BC); the words BOHAK and BARAS are used in Arabic. The word vitiligo is probably derived from the Latin word VITIUM (stain) and the suffix IGO.

3- It would appear that in ancient time vitiligo was sometimes confused with leprosy. Why did this confusion arise?
The biblical references to this type of leucoderma go back to the translation of the Hebrew word ZORAAK (Leviticus 13.2) by the Septuagint scholars in the year 250 BC. Leprosy pandemics in the Middle Ages and abundant myths and historical confusion have, even in recent times, particularly in underdeveloped countries, led to vitiligo sufferers being called lepers.

4- What is the general frequency of vitiligo, statistically speaking?
The disorder is considered to be widely distributed and to affect millions of persons. The frequency varies between 1-2% of the population in the western world, and 5-8% in other regions, where the incidence is higher, such as in the Middle East, Northern Africa and South-East Asia. In these areas, we can observe that, in addition to the aesthetic problem derived from the contrast between the pigmented and non-pigmented areas of the skin, there is a marked psychosocial aspect, leading to personal or even professional marginalisation of the sufferers.

5- Is vitiligo more frequent in men, women or children? Does it have any preferences as regards sex, age, race, countries, professions, social class, climate or type of country?
This illness has no definitive preferences as regards age, sex, race, profession or social class. The only thing I can say, in my experience, is that most patients are between 15-40 years of age. Likewise, there is a higher incidence in the warmer parts of the planet.

6- Is the real cause of the disease known? Occasionally, although it is not a contagious disease, several members of the same family might have it. Could it be considered a hereditary disease?
The etiology of human vitiligo is unknown. After analysing recent research, we can affirm that the syndrome probably responds to several, mutually tolerant, etiologies. I would like to point out that, in studies carried out on animals, de-pigmentation was observed to have a genetic component, related with intrinsic defects in the melanocytes; these defects may also be exacerbated by the immune system. In the case of humans, no hereditary factor has been established. It is true that it often appears in several members of the same family, allowing us to observe a family predisposition; however, in at least 60% of cases, no direct family members are affected, so we can reasonably conclude, as affirmed in a recent work published by Professor J.J. Nordlund of the University of Cincinnati, that there may be genetic factors involved, but the transmission model is complex, compatible with a polygenic disorder. Personally, I think that there are still matters remaining to be solved.
7- Vitiligo is considered an autoimmune disorder. What does this mean?

The argument that the melanocytes are destroyed by lymphocytes, by cytotoxic antibodies, or both, has been verified by many specialists in the matter. Therefore, the immune system appears to play a fundamental role in the pathogeny of vitiligo. We are dealing therefore with an autoimmune disorder, created by the defences of the affected person. This theory is based, among other reasons, on the observation of circulating anti-melanin antibodies, detected in skin lesions, and in the concomitancy of vitiligo with other autoimmune disorders that we have mentioned earlier, including thyroid problems (hyper- and hypothyroidism), liver problems, diabetes, alopecia aleata, etc. We could also point out that, in some cases the antibodies could exacerbate the intrinsic defects of the melanocytes and kill them, as ahs been observed in animals, backing up the theories that vitiligo etiopathogeny are not exclusive. 

8- Many patients relate nervous or emotional problems with the onset of the disorder. Is there any connection between psychological traumatism and the illness itself?
The theory that the nervous system intervenes in some way in the pathology of vitiligo is actually backed by a lot of data. We could point out that the melanocytes are embriologically related to nerve cells; they both originate from the neural crest and are morphologically similar. Moreover, some studies indicate that the concentration of certain neural transmitters is abnormal when the skin is de-pigmented. Likewise, although I have already stated that there are reasons to believe in an immunogenic cause for the depigmentation of the skin, however, experts frequently associate the main catalyst for this “exaggerated” response of the immune system with some nervous disorder. Effectively, many patients relate some emotional disorder with the onset of the illness. This traumatic-psychological episode may have caused the release of certain neuromediators toxic to melanocyte, which, on breaking up, frees the antigens, which, under certain conditions, set off the autoimmune process.

9- You have already commented that this complaint is not exclusive to humans, that it may exist also in animals. Are there different types of human vitiligo?
We treat different manifestations of vitiligo in accordance with the location of the spots, which may affect a small area, or spread over many parts of the skin. Localised vitiligo may be focal, with one or several patches in a single area; segmental, one or more macules in a semi-dermatomal pattern; or mucosal, restricted to the mucous membranes alone. Generalised vitiligo may be acrofacial, affecting the distal extremities and the face; or vulgaris, consisting of scattered macules. This latter type may evolve into universal vitiligo, where depigmentation is complete or almost complete.

10- Which treatment do you consider right for each typology? The treatment you recommend here is endoexogenous. Why? What specific results have you obtained with it?

I have seen that most cases of vitiligo respond marvellously well to treatment with Polypodium Leucotomos (P.L.). This fern is grown in tropical latitudes and is commercialised in Spain by several laboratories, as tablets or capsules. In recent years, the immunoregulatory effects of this fern and its capacity to stimulate melanin-producing cells have been proven. Therefore, the aims of its therapeutic use are, on the one hand, to stimulate the migration of melanocytes towards the areas in which they have been destroyed or to reactivate any that may remain in the area, in order to obtain repigmentation of the amelanotic macules and, on the other hand, to correct or suppress the autoimmune mechanisms or mechanisms harmful to melanocytes that perpetuate the skin lesion. We are dealing with an endoexogenous treatment, generally consisting of orally taking Polypodium Leucotomos and topical application of the extract (P.L.E.) daily, in the form of an emulsion (O/W… 5%). This P.L. therapy, together with ultraviolet radiation, is useful in the repigmentation of vitiligo macules, obtaining good (over 50% of the surface repigmented) or excellent results in 60% of cases studied.

11- Does sunlight play an important role in both the onset and treatment of the disorder?

It is quite normal to observe that vitiligo lesions increase with excessive exposure to sunlight; as a matter of fact, many patients relate sunburn with onset of vitiligo. In addition, sunburn may cause a Koebner phenomenon, i.e., the amelanotic macule may develop over the sun damage. However, controlled exposition of the body surface to an ultraviolet radiation unit, or to sun in the summer, is a fundamental element in the treatment of vitiligo sufferers, because of its capacity to stimulate existing melanocytes. The treatment pattern consists of subjecting the affected part to an initial dose of 0.5 J/cm2, increasing said dose successively up to 10 J/ cm2 on average, after topical application of P.L.E. In this way, the optimum results that we mentioned earlier are achieved.

12- From what parts of the skin is it most difficult to eradicate vitiligo lesions?
In my personal experience, which coincides with studies published by other specialists, the parts most resistant to the repigmentation process are the distal extremities (hands and feet), or the so-called acral location. In cases where the treatment indicated above is not successful, we may advise the combined use of P. Leucotomos extract with puva therapy (psoralenes and UVA). In this regard, Professor Thomas Fitzpatrick, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, pioneer and expert in the use of puva therapy in dermatology, recommends the use of P. Leucotomos extract together with puva therapy to avoid some of the secondary effects of the latter. Recent studies have shown that P. Leucotomos prevents the damage caused by the phototoxic reactions induced by puva therapy, acting as a photoprotective agent. Therefore, combined treatment may be of great importance in the repigmentation of certain vitiligo patients.

13- Does treatment with Polypodium Leucotomos, which is achieving such good results, have any type of contraindications?
PLE, both oral and topical, has been well tolerated by all patients and has not been observed to be in any way toxic. The results of the blood biochemistry tests, thyroid profiling and analysis of liver and kidney functions confirm this. 

14- When do patients begin to notice an improvement with P.L.E. treatment?
The reply depends largely on the particular case and whether the patient suffers any associated pathology that could hinder the development of the repigmentation. In general, perifollicular repigmentation (repigmentation around the hair follicles) is normally observed between the first and second months. This perifollicular repigmentation increases and joins other macules, until the amelanotic patch disappears. This observation suggests that the follicles act as a reserve of melanocytes, which are stimulated by the therapy to begin the repigmentation. On occasions, I have observed non-gradual repigmentation, when repigmentation occurs in certain areas and the patches are repigmented homogenously, in a rapid process. This phenomenon confirms the opinion of some researchers who believe that the melanocytes or their precursors are present in the amelanotic areas, all though at present most available data indicates that these cells have been destroyed.


15- Do you believe that patients may become obsessed by vitiligo?

I believe that most patients are under almost permanent pressure because of their physical appearance and the constant preoccupation nowadays with improving our image. We often observe how difficult it is for affected children and even adults to adapt, especially in certain cultures where, through lack of knowledge, it is believed to be a contagious illness and those who suffer it are not allowed to life a normal life. Fortunately in our normal environment, the process is becoming better known. In this regard, we must inform vitiligo patients of the medical concepts of most interest to them and of the most recent research regarding their pathology, bearing in mind, above all, their concern with feeling more in accordance with their external aspect and, therefore, more accepted in their social surroundings. This point constitutes a very important aspect of the therapy of this complaint. I consider that it is just as important to draw up a complete clinical file of the patient, contemplating their worries about their complaint, in addition to keeping a periodical photographic control of the lesions in order to carry out a follow-up of the repigmentation process, which contributes to encourage patients, allowing them to observe the positive evolution of their complaint compared to their initial state.

16- Dr Azmi, how did you decide to test the efficacy of P.L.E. and from where does the fern from which the extract is taken come?

The main reasons I decided to test the activity of P.L. as a therapeutic alternative for vitiligo treatment were, on the one hand, the lack of efficient pharmacological therapy with no side effects and, on the other, a personal experience, published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 1989, based on the improvement of vitiligo symptoms in patients who had been recommended P.L. therapy to treat another associated dermatological process (psoriasis). Later, I have been continuously motivated by the good results obtained in clinical studies carried out in recent years. Regarding the fern, I can tell you that it is originally from Central America, and specifically that it is grown on the banks of lake Yojoa, in Honduras.

17- P. Leucotomos was already used by American natives in the past, is there any evidence that it could be used to cure other illnesses?
P.L., commonly known as Kalawalla, has been used for centuries to relieve inflammatory complaints and some skin disorders. However, its use in modern medicine is very recent. At present, it is used empirically as therapy for other complaints such as atopical dermatitis and some cases of psoriasis.


18- Dr. Azmi, in the 1995 “Yearbook of Dermatology”, the prestigious American dermatologist, professor Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, recognised you as the first dermatologist to apply Polypodium Leucotomos to increase the response rate of vitiligo repigmentation. How do you feel when you see how the good results of your treatment give physical and mental help to patients some of whom were already disappointed with the results obtained with other therapies?

I think that recognition of my work is always gratifying. In medicine, progress depends not only on the discovery of what was formerly unknown, but also on projecting facts that were known but not properly interpreted, and the rational ordering of known but disperse truths into the general scheme of knowledge. In this regard, I cannot deny the merit of Professor Fitzpatrick, who has brought together prestigious dermatologists, such as Professor Lerner (Yale University) and Professor J.J. Nordlund (Cincinnati University), and other Spaniards, such as Professor Robledo Aguilar, Professor Moragas and Professor Alomar, all very interested in vitiligo treatment research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the support that I have always received from Professor Eduardo Fonseco, my former colleague and now Head of the Dermatology Department of the Juan Canalejo Hospital in La Corunna; and the effort invested by my collaborator, the pharmacist Ana Calderón, whose contributions, together with the results we are obtaining from our patients in different parts of the world, are sufficient repayment for me and encouragement to continue my work and research, in spite of the difficulties that we still meet on our road, not having the same possibilities as our American colleagues.

19- What is your main advice for vitiligo patients?
I think that they should maintain the confidence that their illness can be relieved. We know that the pigmentary disorder suffered by vitiligo patients has an important social and psychological impact, especially for dark-skinned people. To all sufferers, I have to say to them that it is fundamental that there be collaboration and confidence between patient and specialist. In this regard, I consider that they should set out their worries and that they should be informed of all therapies within their reach, for the patients to take the decision that they believe right, bearing in mind always that treatment is laborious and must be carried out.

We would like to thank doctor Azmi for allowing us to publish this interview on our blog.
Dra Lehdia M. Dafa

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

القدم السكري Diabetic foot

 مع انتشار السكري ظهرت العديد من المضاعفات ومن أهمها القدم السكرية
 وهومعطل جدا و يستدعي البتر في الكثير من الحالات. وقد أصبحت القدم السكرية السبب الرئيس لبتر القدم في العالم. هذا هوما أستدعى افتتاح عيادات مستقلة للقدم السكرية ضمن الكثير من البرامج الصحية الخاصة بالسكري، وأقسام مستقلة في المستشفيات. عادة يعمل في هذه العيادات و الأقسام فريق عمل متكامل من المتخصصين كلاً في مجاله.
 في اسبانيا لدينا الكثير من العيادات المتخصصة من بين طليعتها فريق الدكتورفرانسيسكو خبيير اراقون سانتشاس و خوسى لويس لاثارو مارتينز التابعان لمستشفى ديميديكال و المعهد المتقدم للقدم السكري

El cancer de mama en los Campamentos de Refugiados Saharauis.

El primer proyecto relacionado con el cancer de mama en los Campamentos Saharauis ha sido llevado a cabo, en el año 2009, por la ong "Humanas" conjuntamente con la Fundacion Tejerina, contando con la colaboración con el Mº de Salud Pública de la RASD y la Unión Nacional de Mujeres Saharauis (UNMS) Este proyecto ha consistido en la implantación de una Unidad para la Detección Precoz del Cancer de Mama, la sensibilización de la población a través de charlas educativas y la distribución de folletos en hasanía; así como el entrenamiento de personal sanitario local para el manejo de los aparatos de Radiología (DOS ecógrafos, un senógrafo y equipos de revelado) que fueron instalados por técnicos del Hospital de Oviedo.
Gracias a este proyecto han sido vistos decenas de casos a modo de screening. Sin embargo, actualmente, no se conocen las estadísticas de la incidencia real de esta grave patología. 
La crisis económica y la inestabilidad de la zona, generada primero por los secuestros y últimamente la guerra en el norte de Mali, son factores  que están dificultando y en muchos casos interrumpiendo la continuidad de los proyectos. Desde hace un año en la UNMS hay una gran preocupación por la cantidad de casos de cáncer de mama que no encuentran solución alguna, y que se diagnostican en fases tardías, en un medio tan precario como los Campamentos.
Somos conscientes de que corren tiempos difíciles para la Cooperación y la Ayuda Humanitaria y por tanto para la salud de los refugiados saharauis que depende prácticamente al 100% de la misma, pero no se podemos resignarnos y dejar al 65% de la población de los Campamentos, que son las mujeres, abandonadas a su suerte. 
Queremos llamar la atención sobre este aspecto y pedir la colaboración de todas las personas e instituciones que de alguna manera pueden echar una mano. Se necesitan especialistas en la patología de mama, radiólogos y oncólogos que bajen a los Campamentos, así como Centros Especializados para la acogida de casos y su tratamiento. Si crees que puedes hacer algo en este campo por la salud de las mujeres saharauis ponte en contacto con nosotros. 
Compartimos este excelente video de la doctora saudí Samia Alamoudi, que ha sufrido cáncer de mama, y que como resultado de su experiencia llevó a cabo una campaña de sensibilización en la sociedad árabe de gran éxito, que le ha valido ser admitida como miembro de la Unión Internacional Contra el Cancer.
Dra. Lehdia Mohamed Dafa

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Family Medicine in the Arab World.طب الاسرة في العالم العربي

Family medicine in the Arab World is a medical specialty who still struggle for its visibility, where Primary Health Care does not quite have the weight it deserves, despite the efforts made in most of the 22 countries forming the Arab League.
This article clearly reflects the situation. Is the first study that has attempted to systematically document information on the status of family medicine in the Arab Countiries.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Tobacco Prevention. وقاية التدخين

يعتبر التدحين من اكبر عوامل الخطر و هو المسؤول عن اكثر من 63% من الوفيات
: حسب منظمة الصحة العالمية
        ـ لا يتمتع بحماية القوانين الوطنية الشاملة الخاصة بالأماكن الخالية من دخان التبغ إلا 11% من الناس
        ـ في عام 2010، ارتفع عدد من يتمتعون بالحماية من دخان التبغ غير المباشر بنسبة تجاوزت النصف حيث وصل إلى 739 مليون نسمة بعد أن كان يناهز 354 مليون نسمة في عام 2008
        ـ من بين أكثر 100 مدينة اكتظاظاً بالسكان هناك 22 مدينة خالية من دخان التبغ
        ـ نصف عدد الأطفال تقريباً يتنفسون بانتظام هواءً ملوثاً بدخان التبغ
        ـ أكثر من 40% من الأطفال يدخن أحد والديه على الأقليتسبّب دخان التبغ غير المباشر في حدوث أكثر من 000 600 وفاة مبكرة سنوي
    ـ في عام 2004، شكل الأطفال 28% من الوفيات الناجمة عن دخان التبغ غير المباشر

ـ دخان التبغ يحتوي على أكثر من 4000 مادة كيميائية، من بينها 250 مادة على الأقل معروف أنها مضرة، وأكثر من 50 مادة معروف أنها تسبب السرطان
        ـ يتسبّب دخان التبغ غير المباشر في إصابة البالغين بأمراض قلبية وعائية وتنفسية خطيرة، بما في ذلك مرض القلب التاجي وسرطان الرئة. ويتسبب في إصابة  الرضّع بالموت المفاجئ. أما فيما يتعلق بالحوامل فيتسبب في نقص وزن المواليد

Is Smoking a public health problem in the Arab world? Steps are being taken?


This video shows one of the faces of smoking in the Arab World, the numbers.   

One of the solutions is prevention. Here you have a very interesting article about   Tobacco  Prevention.

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

طبيب الاسرة وارشادات حول الحمى

 الحمى من الاعراض الاكثر انتشار في السنوات الاولى من العمر. في هذه الحلقة من ارشادات طبيب الاسرة  نتحدث عن الاجراءات الاولية التي يمكن القيام يها في المنزل قبل الذهاب الى المستشفى او الاستعجالات